About Us
The Black TV & Film Collective was created to provide opportunities for Black and African descent artists to achieve economically sustainable careers in all areas of content creation. BTFC是一个编剧的集体, directors, producers, content creators, editors, cinematographers, animators, 代理商和其他媒体专业人士.
The Black TV & Film Collective started in 2015 with a small group of artists on a mission: friends helping friends create their projects. 什么开始作为一个简单的行为创造工作, 因为黑人电影人缺乏机会, 最终发展成为一个充满活力和有效的聚会团体. Our very first office was located in a desolate industrial neighborhood in Brooklyn, New York.
到2017年,我们获得了501(c)(3)非营利地位,从那以后一直是蓝天. 我们的会员来自世界各地,包括非洲、南美和欧洲大陆. BTFC成员在镜头前、镜头后以及镜头之间的任何地方工作. Presently, 我们的会员遍布北美五大媒体中心:纽约, Los Angeles, Atlanta, Raleigh and Toronto. 随着我们的成长,什么仍然是在足球下注app的核心 & 电影集体,是朋友帮朋友创作.
今天,在北美各大媒体中心拥有1300多名成员,足球下注app & Film Collective is a development and production hub for Black and brown content creators and professionals. 自2015年成立以来,BTFC已经支持了200多个项目. 我们的成员创造了在国内和国际上放映的获奖作品, on the big screen, 电视和流媒体平台,如Hulu, Mubi, Netflix and Amazon.
Board of Directors

Kibi Anderson
Co-President & Chair
READ BIOKibi is an LA based business executive and Emmy Award winning producer with over 18 years of experience in strategy, 业务发展, media, entertainment, tech, 金融与创业. Working in Executive roles at Red Table Talk (President), Bloomberg Media (Head of Digital Strategy & 业务发展), ABC新闻(高级经理, 业务策略及运作), and Broadway Federal Bank (VP/ Business Development Manager) she’s become recognized for her ability to mix comprehensive industry insight, 企业家的智慧, 以及在全球范围内建立数字业务和品牌的战略沟通技巧.
Kibi received her MBA from the NYU Stern School of Business and is a Cum Laude graduate of Harvard University, 她在那里获得了东亚研究学士学位.
你可以在facebook、Twitter或Instagram上关注她 @kibianderson.

Lemu Coker
Co-President & Chair
READ BIOLemu is an executive at Google within the Global Media and Entertainment Partnerships organization supporting broadcasters, sports leagues, 娱乐公司将其内容货币化. 他拥有超过15年的战略经验, 业务发展, 以及媒体和技术领域的运营, Twitter, Verizon Media, MTV Networks, Apple, and Myspace.
他曾担任AdColor的顾问委员会成员, 黑人谷歌人网络的领导职位, 并为许多创业公司和企业家提供建议. 他是一个自豪的丈夫和父亲,有一个儿子和5岁的英国斗牛犬马迪巴.
Lemu在密歇根大学(University of Michigan)获得工商管理硕士学位.A. 来自康涅狄格大学大众传媒与市场研究专业.

Huriyyah Muhammad
READ BIOHuriyyah 是一位获奖作家, 导演兼制片人,其作品曾受邀参加圣丹斯电影节, 翠贝卡电影节, Austin Film Festival, 黑人电影中的新声音, 美国黑人电影节和其他许多电影节. She is a 2018 Sundance Creative Producing Fellow and recipient of the 2020 Sundance Creative Producing Award for Farewell Amor, 在2020年圣丹斯电影节美国戏剧竞赛中首映的电影.
胡里亚也是“足球下注app”的联合创始人 & Film Collective,一个拥有1400名成员的501c3组织,致力于发展和支持彩色艺术家. At the Collective, 胡里亚身兼数职, most of which can be summarized as leading this awesome team and being inspired every day by our members.

Chris Gorges
READ BIOChris is an independent brand strategy and design consultant, and the founder / CEO of Thompson & 王子和港湾. Previously, 他是英菲尼亚集团的总经理, 领导Infinia Ventures, 致力于为创业生态系统服务的实践. Before Infinia, he was at Havas Worldwide following a stint as a freelance strategy consultant at creative agencies including Droga5, Clear M&C Saatchi, CHI&合伙人和长子.
克里斯做过品牌战略咨询工作, digital, 为包括谷歌在内的众多客户制定增长战略, IBM, Spotify, TIAA, Amtrak, Wiley, NYCEDC和美国国防部. 克里斯通过多个加速器为初创企业提供指导和建议, incubator, 风险投资组织, 包括Big Idea Ventures, Acceleprise, XRC Labs, RetailXelerator, VentureOut, Lambda School, 首飞创业中心, Launch Chapel Hill, and WeWork Labs.
在他的职业生涯早期,Chris曾在IBM和Booz Allen Hamilton工作. 他拥有纽约大学斯特恩分校的工商管理硕士学位和北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校的本科商业学位.

Okema T. Moore
READ BIOOkema T. 摩尔是一位经验丰富的制片人, 从《买球app》的童星起家的作家兼导演, 从那时起,培养了相当丰富的生活经验. 这些经历包括分享她的广告广告艾美奖提名, produced and voiced, 在翠贝卡电影节(翠贝卡电影节)的翠贝卡N.O.W. 2019, 为PBS制作了NAACP提名的纪录片《买球app》, 并制作了2019年美国黑人电影节最佳网络剧集, Little Apple. She can be seen as a hologram in Brian Stevenson’s Equal Justice Initiative Legacy Museum in Montgomery, 并在《买球app》和艾美奖提名的《足球下注app》等成功的网络电视剧中出演.
Behind the scenes, Okema holds a BS in finance and business from Brooklyn College and a Producing Certification from NYU’s SPS. Black TV的董事会成员 & 电影集体,Okema领导节目.

Ejeb Dema
Board Member
READ BIOEjeb Dema是纽约的一位娱乐高管. 从在Facebook和谷歌工作, she garnered 7 years of partnerships and 业务发展 experience by managing $100M in revenue in the direct-to-consumer (D2C) and ecommerce verticals. 她相信媒体能激发共鸣和教育,这激发了她对这个行业的热情. 她为CultureCon提供打包交易和体验, MVAAFF, and SXSW, most notably launching the first Black space at 翠贝卡电影节 with Johnnie Walker x Kenya Barris. 最终,Ejeb渴望在电视/电影,音乐,书籍和百老汇和
Recently, she was selected to Diverse Representation’s Black Entertainment Executive Program (1.2%的录取率),并在2020- 2022年ADCOLOR顾问委员会任职. Ejeb喜欢当地的图书馆, banana bread, 杂志和诙谐的玩笑——如果你在附近看到她,打个招呼!

Sharon Liggins
Board Member
READ BIO高级公关主管Sharon Liggins是高级副总裁, 第五季传播负责人(原Endeavor Content), a leading global, 高级影视工作室. 第五季是喜剧《买球app》的工作室, Oscar-nominated THE LOST DAUGHTER and the Emmy-winning critically acclaimed series SEVERANCE on Apple TV+. Sharon之前是副总统, Publicity at Ava DuVernay’s narrative change and social impact collective ARRAY as well as an independent PR consultant, 与cia(中央校际体育协会)等客户合作, 纪录片导演斯坦利·尼尔森/火光电影公司和布罗德博物馆. Earlier in her career Sharon held executive positions at global media companies NBCUniversal Cable Entertainment and the Walt Disney Company-ABC Entertainment. Sharon also served 2 terms on the board of governors of the Television Academy and co-chaired the Diversity Committee. While governor, Sharon initiated the Academy’s first ever Emmy reception celebrating nominated people of color.

Ron McCants
Board Member & Parity项目创始人
READ BIOMFA, TV writer, playwright; WGA member who has written for Speechless. 他的戏剧曾在洛杉矶、纽约和伦敦上演. Ron’s been a writer for the Disney ABC Writing Program and recipient of multiple playwriting awards and the Fred Rogers Memorial Scholarship for children’s television.
他最近是《足球下注app》的特约撰稿人, 但他为纳斯写过音乐视频,还参与了漫威的《足球下注app》和《足球下注app》. He runs an organization aimed at improving the career outcomes of marginalized writers through data.

Derrick Pete
Board Member & 平价项目顾问
READ BIO德里克·皮特从加州大学洛杉矶分校广受赞誉的电影学院获得硕士学位 & 电视编剧研究生课程. 在节目中, 他获得了久负盛名的奥斯卡最佳编剧奖, 引起了好莱坞经纪人和制片人的注意. Recently, 皮特把注意力转向了拓展他的创作领域, 在等式中加上生产和导向.
迄今为止,他已经制作和导演了三部音乐视频和四部短片. 他制作了那部获奖短片, Six Letter Word, 由鲁默·威利斯主演,参加美国电影学院女性导演研讨会.

Anthony Santagati
Board Member
READ BIO拥有近25年的行业经验,包括时尚, luxury, media, and tech, Anthony has provided design and marketing solutions for international brands including Burberry, Lacoste, HBO, FX, AMC Networks, Airbnb, 以及南卡罗来纳大学. 作为一个创意总监, 他开发了各种面向消费者的项目的外观和感觉, 从网站到电子商务平台, 现场活动的店面. 在数字战略角色, he has demonstrated an uncommon ability to predict emerging trends in technology and social media, 把最好的新东西带到传统市场.
Anthony’s education combines artistic vision with academic rigor: He holds fine arts and law degrees from Howard University (BFA, 1999; JD, 2005),并通过参加设计会议不断更新自己的知识和技能, innovation, 以及全球的创造力. 作为他所在领域的领导者, he has shared his own expertise and experience with everyone from international colleagues to aspiring college students. 他是南卡罗来纳州海群岛人,目前与妻子住在布鲁克林.

Avril Speaks
Board Member
READ BIO艾薇儿一直在开拓自己的道路作为一个大胆的, 几年的创新内容创造者, not only as a producer and director but also during her former days as a professor at Howard University. 艾薇儿制作了获奖影片《买球app》, which premiered in Narrative Competition at SXSW and won Special Jury Recognition for Writing. Jinn gained distribution through MGM/Orion Classics and continues to be seen throughout the world.
艾薇儿还制作了几部电影,包括《买球app》和即将上映的喜剧《足球下注app》 & 《买球app》由莱斯利·乌格姆斯、加里·欧文、大卫·科奇纳和玛格特·宾厄姆主演. 她最近的项目包括南非电影《足球下注app》, 在泛非电影节首映的电影, 纪录片《足球下注app》的制片人, 在Netflix电影俱乐部播出的.
艾薇儿被选为独立电影公司的制片实验室, Sundance, IFP, Rotterdam and Cannes, and Sundance. 艾薇儿是Level Ground的董事会主席, 一个屡获殊荣的艺术家集体和制作工作室,在共情中进行实验, 她是DearProducer的特约撰稿人.com. She has also directed two feature films, The Round Table and the award-winning Sophisticated Romance.
Advisory Board
Kai Akira
Thembi Banks
Effie Brown
CEO & 制作人(Gamechanger Films)
Deniese Davis
CEO & 制片人(改革传媒)
Cassian Elwes
Guetty Felin
Hilliard Guess
制片人/编剧(Hilldog Productions)
Eric Haywood
Mynette Louie
Jeff Melvoin
Kaita Mpambara
Huriyyah Muhammad
Ekwa Msangi
Ramfis Myrthil
Arinze Onugha
Attorney, Sullivan & Worcester LLP
Kemp Powers
Peter Ramsey
Aida Rodriguez
喜剧演员/作家(Dancing With Raymond Productions)
Bianca Sams
Malcolm Spellman
Aaron Rahsaan Thomas
编剧、制片人(BET Studios, SWAT)
Eric Wallace
Ben Watkins
执行制片人/编剧/导演/制片人(Blue Monday Productions)
翠贝卡电影学院 champions storytellers to be catalysts for change in their communities and around the world.
TCS Films
TCS provides cinematographers and productions with professional motion picture equipment rental and support as a leading supplier in New York for 40 years.
NALIP seeks to change media culture by advocating and promoting the professional needs of Latinx artists in media.
NYCWF is a non-profit 501c3 organization dedicated to advancing the careers of women, non-binary & GNC创作者在电影,电视 & Media.